How should I prepare for an orchiopexy for undescended testicle

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Ask your child's healthcare provider for more information about this test. Ask your child's health care provider before giving any medication on the day of Your child's surgery. Take all medicines your child is taking, including bottles of pills, to the hospital. You or your close family members will be asked to sign a legal document. It gives permission to your child's health care provider to perform the operation. It also describes problems that may occur and your options for treatment. If your child stays in the hospital after orchiopexy for undescended testicles he, preparing things that he may need. This may include his clothes, a toothbrush, packed items and toys. Your child may need to have blood tests or urine. Health care providers can use ultrasound, computed tomography scan, or magnetic resonance imaging to locate the testes. They can also use the laparoscope to locate the testes located in the belly of your child. Laparoskop-expert is a long, thin tool that has a light and a video camera on the end. Image from the camera is displayed on the monitor.

Undescended testes have also increased the risk of him getting testicular cancer. Testicular cancer is a condition in which a tumor growing in his testicles and cause damage. Ask your child's healthcare provider if you are worried or have questions about the surgery, drugs or your child's care. Make sure all your questions are answered before you sign this form. The night before surgery to your child's health care provider about: asking for directions to eat and drink. Write down the date, time and location of your child's surgery. The testes are also at increased risk for testicular torsion if they are not in the scrotum. Testicular torsion is a condition where the testicles and spermatic cord tied. This pinching blood vessels and nerves, causing pain and can damage the testes.

Inguinal Kanalis starts from the belly and ends just above the scrotum. If the testicles are still in the belly of your child, it can cause problems when she's older. This includes not making enough male hormones or sperm. Have an orchiopexy will treat your child the undescended testicle. This helps prevent your child from having testicular damage or problems getting pregnant with her partner later. After surgery your child: your child may stay in the recovery room until he was fully awake. Your health care provider will watch your child closely for any problems. Your health care provider can remove the bandages immediately after surgery your child to examine his wounds. If your child has an undescended testicle, one or both of the male member has not moved into the scrotum. Sometimes one or both testes may be stuck at the top, middle or bottom of the inguinal canal.