How do I manage my undescended testis on a daily basis

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If you were born with undescended testicles, it's important to know the long-term health effects and how to prevent them. In particular, the rate of testicular cancer is higher for people who are born with undescended testicles. Make sure you know how to do a testicular self examination to check for tumors and checked regularly. Also note that, although not all people with a history of undescended testicle fertile, fertility is known to reduce side effects. Talk to your doctor if you are concerned about how your own fertility can be affected. Although there is no direct complications of undescended testes, health problems can occur later in life. Undescended Testicles are more prone to the problem, because it's trapped inside the warm core of the body and can not set the temperature of the scrotum. There is an increased risk of developing testicular torsion, a painful condition that can kill the testes, as well as a higher risk of a Hernia groin and testicular cancer. People who are born with an undescended testicle may also have low fertility later in life.

Providing care for a child with undescended testicles means being aware of the long-term effects of the condition. If one or both testicles have been removed because they were too damaged to save, or your child was born without one or both testicles, You should strive to communicate early and often with him about her appearance. He is likely to be very sensitive about it, and you should take steps to reinforce the idea that your child is perfectly healthy boy despite his differences. Keep an eye out for signs of anxiety as your child grows older, especially when he is dealing with being around other children in changing rooms. Offer to buy him a boxer or loose swimming trunks to provide peace of mind. You should also discuss the possibility of testicular implant cosmetic and let your child know that option if he was interested.

Laparoscopy or open surgery may be recommended, particularly if the testicle further in the stomach and can not be achieved by hand, and involves a small Incision in the abdomen to look for and help baby down the testes.You also have to educate yourself and your children on long term side effects of the condition, particularly among infants rarely peningkatanMeskipun full length, undescended testes is very common in premature babies. -Fully one-third of all boys born prematurely are born with undescended testicles. As with a baby full-term, the majority of these cases will improve. This condition is more serious, not just more general. the risk of testicular cancer. As your child approaches puberty, explaining how he can check for themselves this lump on the male member. There is no sure way to prevent the undescended testicle. The best action is to try to limit certain risk factors.